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Acquisition of Collection Sites

On November 1, 2021 AZC Drug Testing Employee Screening Services acquired the five collection sites and assets of Arizona based AZ Clinical Services, LLC and their sister company America Drug Testing, LLC. We have rebranded their sites in Avondale, Chandler, Peoria, Phoenix, and Sierra Vista as AZC Drug Testing

How Does Urinalysis Work?

 There are several ways in which someone can be tested for the presence of substances in the body, but urinalysis is one of the most common methods of drug testing. Employers and families can both rely on urinalysis to provide quick results. Although it’s possible to visit a pharmacy to find urinalysis kits that test for drugs, these tests are notorious for producing false positives. Instead, you should rely on a professional drug testing service. Drug testing companies use sophisticated equipment that rarely produces false positives.

How Drug Testing Works

Drug testing may actually involve two tests. The first is an immunoassay test, which produces quick results and only gives results as positive or negative, rather than specific measurements. However, because immunoassay tests can sometimes give false positives, a positive test result with this test can be followed up with a more sophisticated, accurate test. Drug testing companies use gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) testing for reliable results. This test is performed by two sensitive instruments that are capable of detecting very tiny trace amounts of chemicals in the urine.

What You Can Expect from Drug Testing

It’s important to listen carefully to the instructions given by the technician. Deviating from the instructions may affect the results or the integrity of the results. You’ll be asked to leave your belongings (and empty your pockets) before going into the collection area. You’ll be given a sterile specimen cup and a moist cloth. You’ll need to cleanse the genital region with the cloth and then urinate into the specimen cup. At least 45 milliliters of urine is required for drug testing.

AZC Drug Testing Employee Screening Services is a national provider of drug and alcohol testing, and employee background check services with offices in Tucson, AZ and Phoenix, AZ. For your convenience, we provide mobile, onsite drug and alcohol testing that limits the company’s potential liability. Call us at (800) 224-8532 to request more information about drug testing in Arizona.

Who Needs to Participate in FAA Drug and Alcohol Testing?

Industries that are safety-sensitive, such as the aviation industry, must adhere to rigorous standards to maintain a drug-and alcohol-free workplace. Many employers that are regulated by the FAA must have a drug and alcohol testing program. If you have questions or concerns about aviation compliance for your company, you can get in touch with a drug testing company that has experience with FAA regulations.

Who is required to test by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)?

  • All Part 121 and Part 135 Certificate holders, an operator as defined in §135.1(c)
  • Air traffic control facilities not operated by the FAA or by or under contract to the U.S. military comply with the anti-drug program regulations
  • All operators as defined by 14 CFR Part 91.147
  • Part 145 Repair Facilities who perform safety-sensitive functions are subject to these regulations.

Safety-Sensitive Employees

All safety-sensitive employees for companies that are required to test must be routinely drug tested. This includes employees who are part-time, full-time, temporary, and seasonal. Some examples of safety-sensitive functions include:

  • Flight crewmember duties
  • Flight attendant duties
  • Flight instruction duties
  • Aircraft dispatcher duties
  • Aircraft maintenance and preventive maintenance duties
  • Ground security coordinator duties
  • Aviation screening duties
  • Air traffic control duties
  • Operations Control Specialist

Pre-Employment Tests

All job candidates for a safety-sensitive job must undergo a pre-employment drug test and receive a verified negative result before they can perform job duties. The same policy applies to individuals who transfer from a non-safety-sensitive job to a safety-sensitive job.

Random Testing

Each year, the Federal Register publishes the minimum annual percentage rate. This is the minimum number of safety-sensitive employees who must undergo random drug or alcohol testing. For example, the annual rate for any given year may be 25% for drug testing and 10% for alcohol testing. This would mean that 25% of safety-sensitive employees must undergo a random drug test, and 10% of them must undergo a random alcohol test. The FAA doesn’t specify how often random testing must be conducted. However, it’s generally expected that aviation employers will space out the testing throughout the year in an unpredictable fashion. There should be no advance notification to employees that they have been selected for random testing. As soon as notifications are made, the employees should immediately proceed to the collection site.

AZC Drug Testing Employee Screening Services is a national provider of drug and alcohol testing and employee background check services with offices in Tucson, AZ and Phoenix, AZ. Our company has program managers who specialize in aviation compliance. Call (800) 224-8532 with your questions about our FAA drug testing services.

Learn How the FAA Keeps Our Skies Safe

When you fly on a commercial airplane, your trip will be regulated by the FAA in many ways. The FAA, or Federal Aviation Administration, is the branch of the Department of Transportation that is in charge of aviation safety. From drug testing to airport management and more, the FAA is in charge of many programs that help to protect civilians when they fly. Here is a look inside how the FAA keeps our skies safe.

Perform Airspace Management

At any airport around the country, dozens of airplanes will be taking off and landing every hour. One of the key jobs of the FAA is to make sure that airport towers and air traffic routes keep these planes safe as they take off, land, and travel to their destinations. In fact, the FAA has developed all of the flying routes that are in our country’s airspace.

Install Air Navigation Facilities

Accurate navigation is key for any airline pilot. The FAA helps pilots navigate the airways by building and maintaining air navigation facilities at all major airports. Some common features in all air navigation facilities include communication tools, computers, visual displays, and air traffic control technology. In order to preserve the safety of all airplanes, these navigation facilities require frequent upkeep and maintenance.

Conduct Drug Testing

The FAA is also in charge of implementing a drug testing program for all airline personnel. In 1991, the Omnibus Transportation Employees Testing Act mandated that all aviation professionals receive routine drug testing from the FAA. Routine drug testing ensures that pilots and other professionals comply with federal drug use policies and restrictions.
If you are in need of drug testing for your office space, be sure to contact Oschmann Employee Screening Services by calling (800) 224-8532. As a leading provider of drug testing in Arizona, we will be able to help you screen your workforce at regular intervals. Oschmann Employee Screening Services is a national provider of drug & alcohol testing and employee background check services with offices in Tucson, AZ and Phoenix, AZ

We’re Honored to Have Received the BBB’s Torch Award!


We’re excited to announce that AZC Drug Testing Employee Screening has received the Torch Award from the Better Business Bureau for ethical, trustworthy, and honorable business practices. Everyone here at AZC Drug Testing Screening would like to thank the Better Business Bureau for recognizing us with this very special award, and we’d also like to take the opportunity to thank all of our loyal customers.

For more information about this exciting award, please check out this write-up on as well as this article on