Drug and Alcohol FAQs

FAQs and Answers About Our Drug and Alcohol Testing Services
AZC Drug Testing has been a leading provider of drug and alcohol testing services, background checks, and DNA paternity tests for more than 25 years. It’s our mission to help keep workplaces and the nation’s roadways safe for all. We proudly serve all sizes of companies (including sole proprietor owner-operator truck drivers) throughout Arizona and across the country. Before reaching out to AZC Drug Testing with your questions, please check the list of FAQs and answers below.
Frequently Asked Questions
Employees and contractors who perform safety-sensitive functions that are regulated by the Department of Transportation (DOT) are required by law to undergo drug and alcohol testing. The modes that are DOT-regulated are as follows:
- Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
- Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA)
- Federal Transit Administration (FTA)
- Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA)
- Federal Railroad Administration (FRA)
- United States Coast Guard (USCG)
The requirement to undergo drug and alcohol testing also applies to owner-operator truck drivers. At AZC Drug Testing, we ensure that all regulated individuals have access to rapid and convenient testing services. We provide all documentation necessary for maintaining compliance.
Even if your company does not have safety-sensitive employees who are required by law to undergo drug and alcohol testing, you may want to consider it. Employees who are engaging in illicit substance misuse are less likely to be productive and may be more likely to be involved in workplace accidents.
In addition to drug testing services for the workplace, AZC Drug Testing also serves individuals who have been ordered to undergo testing for legal purposes. For example, family court judges and probation officers may send individuals to a collection site.
Lastly, AZC Drug Testing provides drug testing services to individuals who are concerned that a loved one may have a substance misuse problem. Our experienced staff can answer all of your questions about testing a loved one for the presence of recreational or misused substances.
Some employers are mandated by DOT regulations to send their workers in for drug testing at certain times. These include pre-employment, post-accident, return-to-duty, and random drug testing. If you’re unsure of how often your employees should be tested, speak with one of our knowledgeable program managers.
Developing and implementing custom drug and alcohol testing programs is one of our specialties. We’ll work with your HR department to develop a written company policy and program that fits your unique needs.
One of the DOT’s requirements is that employees who perform safety-sensitive functions (including CDL drivers) must submit to random drug and alcohol testing. A certain number of individuals must be available to create a random drug testing pool. Larger corporations may create their own custom drug testing program with their own employee pool. However, if you’re a smaller company or an owner-operator truck driver, you won’t have a sufficient number of workers. Instead, you can join our drug and alcohol consortium, which combines employees of multiple companies (including owner-operators) for the purpose of random testing.
Some companies have a complicated enrollment process, but at AZC Drug Testing, we’ve made it as easy as possible for smaller companies and owner-operators to enroll in our drug and alcohol consortium. Simply go to our consortium enrollment page and follow the on-screen prompts to enroll.
If you’ve recently hired or parted ways with a regulated employee, you will need to update your records with AZC Drug Testing. You can send us an updated list of all employees to be included in the drug and alcohol consortium for the purpose of random drug testing. You can also send us updates if your employees’ contact information changes.
AZC Drug Testing offers six wholly owned collection sites throughout Arizona. Our collection sites are located in Tucson, Avondale, Chandler, Phoenix, Peoria, and Sierra Vista.
AZC Drug Testing offers both on-site testing and a mobile drug testing fleet based in Tucson and Phoenix, also serving Flagstaff and Yuma. In addition, mobile drug testing options are available nationwide through some of our partner companies. Our highly trained professionals can come to your site for in-office testing or utilize our fully equipped vans and trailers right at your business or jobsite to perform on-site specimen collection services.
AZC Drug Testing looks forward to working with you to help you protect your business by staying in full compliance with all local, state and federal regulations. Contact us today to take advantage of our expertise.