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Searching for Your Biological Family

No matter how loving and supportive an adopted family is, adoptees often have a lingering desire to find their birth parents. But the search for one’s biological family is often hampered by laws intended to protect individuals who give their children up for adoption, and who want their identifying information to remain confidential. Thanks to technological advancements, there are more avenues of inquiry open to adoptees searching for their biological roots, including DNA testing services.

Contacting the Adoption Agency

Talk to all of your adoptive family members, and press them for details about your origins. If possible, find out the name of the adoption agency, the hospital where you were born, and your exact date of birth. Contact the hospital and ask them to look up your birth certificate. Contact the adoption agency and ask them to give you all the information they are legally able to share.

Signing Up for Mutual Consent Registries

There are many mutual consent registries online. These compile all known information to help people find each other. Sign up for as many registries as you can find, as you’ll only receive information from a registry at which your biological relatives have also entered their data.

Sending in DNA Samples

Another option is to order a DNA testing kit from a genealogy service. Know that the results can take a while to get back to you, and you’ll only find out about possible relatives who have also submitted their DNA samples to that particular testing service. You should also know that the results aren’t necessarily 100% accurate.

Confirming the Results with an Accredited Lab

Even if you do choose to submit your DNA sample to a genealogy testing service, the only way to be sure that you’re related to any particular person is to have the DNA tested by an accredited lab. An accredited lab follows rigorous standards throughout the collections and testing processes. If you think you’ve identified a biological relative, you can ask him or her to visit the accredited lab with you to provide DNA samples.
AZC Drug Testing Employee Screening Services is a national provider of drug and alcohol testing, and employee background check services with offices in Tucson, AZ and Phoenix, AZ. If you’re searching for your biological family, you can call us at (800) 224-8532 to inquire about our DNA testing services at our accredited lab.

Answering Your Questions About Paternity Testing

Did you know that DNA testing is the most widely accepted method for determining someone’s identity in both scientific and legal communities? This type of testing is also referred to as paternity testing because it is designed to establish fatherhood. If you have questions about paternity testing, keep reading to find the answers:

Can a paternity test be administered before birth?
It is possible to establish fatherhood even before a baby is born, thanks to prenatal paternity testing. This method of testing is safe for both the mother and the baby, allowing fatherhood to be determined while the baby is still growing.

Can a paternity test be administered when the father is unavailable?
If the man who is believed to be the father is missing, deceased, or otherwise unavailable, then there are other testing options that can help determine fatherhood. These testing options include sibling tests, grandparent tests, and family reconstructions.

Who can be helped by paternity testing?
This type of testing is most commonly used to assist parents who want to establish fatherhood for custody, visitation, citizenship or child support reasons, but it can also help other types of people. Adoptees who want to learn about their biological parents can get started with DNA testing. Twins can also turn to this type of testing if they want to determine whether they are identical or fraternal.

Why should I choose AZC Drug Testing Employee Screening Services for paternity testing?
We work with an Accredited DNA laboratory through the American Association of Blood Banks to make sure our lab is up to standards to provide totally accuracy. Our testing process is completely professional and confidential, and you can expect to get your results in 1 to 2 business days.

AZC Drug Testing Employee Screening Services can answer any other questions you might have about the paternity testing process. Call us at (800) 224-8532 for more information about our DNA and paternity testing services. AZC Drug Testing Employee Screening Services is a national provider of drug & alcohol testing and employee background check services with offices in Tucson, AZ and Phoenix, AZ.

Find Out More About Yourself with DNA Testing

DNA testing has provided us with valuable insight into our genetic makeup. Whether you are seeking information about your lineage, or you are curious about certain diseases and other genetic conditions, DNA testing may be a service that you want to consider. Read on for an overview of some of the ways that DNA testing can help you to find out more about yourself.

Learn About Your Ancestry

If you have always wondered where your distant ancestors came from, DNA testing may paint a picture into your past. Using DNA testing, technicians can accurately determine a person’s ancestry and global heritage. After your DNA test is complete, you will have a better understanding of which countries or continents produced your family lineage.

Gain Insight Into Genetic Disorders

We now understand that certain diseases and medical conditions, such as cancer, may have genetic markers. If you are worried about your chances of developing a certain type of disease, DNA testing may provide you with the knowledge that you are seeking. Typically, this type of DNA testing is done to test a patient for a certain disease marker. With this information, you can choose whether or not to begin treatment or preventative measures with the help of your doctor.

Understand Your Family Ties

Modern families may have many different members and generations. If you have always wanted to find more of your relatives, DNA testing might be able to help you understand your family ties. When several members of a family receive a DNA test, they will learn more about how they are related. DNA testing can also help adopted children locate their biological parents.
Oschmann Employee Screening Services is a national provider of drug & alcohol testing and employee background check services with offices in Tucson, AZ and Phoenix, AZ. Along with our professional services, we also offer DNA testing to individuals and families. If you would like to schedule a DNA test, give us a call at (800) 224-8532.

Learn More About the Benefits of DNA Tests

If you are interested in learning more about your family history, you may want to consider DNA testing. A company that offers drug testing services may also be able to set you up with a safe, accurate, and confidential DNA testing procedure. Whether you are seeking paternal rights for a child, or are simply curious about your lineage, DNA testing can provide you with valuable information. Let’s take a closer look at the benefits of DNA tests.

Establish Paternity of Child

One of the top benefits of a DNA test is that this type of testing can establish the paternity of a child. When parents are locked in a custody battle or another type of dispute, it can be helpful to have access to scientific evidence surrounding the parentage of a child. Establishing paternity can also help you if you are looking to receive child support from a former partner.

Find Your Family Members

If you have been adopted or estranged from your biological family, you may have questions about your blood relations. With a DNA test, you can put many of these concerns to rest. Using DNA testing, you will be able to match your results with any other DNA tests that are on file, which may aid you in your search for your family members.

Guarantee Inheritance or Benefits

When a loved one passes away, there may be dispute over which family members have rightful claim to inheritance money or other benefits. A DNA test can help you figure out which relatives have legitimate claims to your family member’s estate.  

If you are in need of DNA testing or drug testing in Tucson, be sure to contact the team at Oschmann Employee Screening. Along with our workplace testing services, we also offer DNA testing for families across the local area. For more information about the accuracy and benefits of our DNA testing procedures, visit our website or give us a call at (520) 745-1029.

Learn the History of DNA Testing

Modern technology is astounding, and it’s constantly getting even more advanced. DNA testing only started in the 1980s, and it has already made a significant impact on the criminal justice system and has brought families together. Keep reading and learn a little bit about the history of DNA testing.

Forensic Testing In the 1980s

DNA stands for deoxyribonucleic acid, which is essentially the information that makes you who you are. In the mid-1980s, mankind discovered methods of testing DNA, which came with a broad range of implications. Many of today’s accepted DNA testing techniques were founded or based on principles that were developed in the late 1980s and the early 1990s.

Effect on the Criminal Justice System

This new concept of DNA testing has changed the way we look at evidence and crime in a few different ways. While it’s not perfect, it has made a difference in countless court cases since the practice began. This type of testing was first used while investigating rapes and murders that took place in 1983 and 1986, and the case might have gone very differently if this technique hadn’t been used. DNA testing is helpful when connecting crimes and identifying suspects, but it’s even better at letting innocent people off the hook.

Modern Paternity Testing

The use of DNA testing in the criminal justice system continues to become more refined, but it’s not the only application—you can also use it to identify paternal relationships. Part of your DNA comes from your father, and a DNA test can compare two people’s DNA to see if there is a familial relationship.

If you need DNA testing services, the team at Oschmann Employee Screening Services can help. We are also a national provider of drug & alcohol testing and employee background check services with offices in Tucson, AZ and Phoenix, AZ. Be sure to visit our website if you are interested in learning more about our business today.

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