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Tag: #mobiledrugtesting

USDOT Guidelines Regarding COVID-19

On March 23rd the USDOT issued guidance regarding the COVID-19 (the Corona Virus).

In short the USDOT is not waiving the drug & alcohol testing regulations during this public health crisis.  Your company is still expected to comply with the regulations including random testing and pre-employment testing.

AZC Drug Testing Employee Screening Services is open for business and is here to assist you during this time of concern.  The best way to protect your employees is to utilize facilities such as ours that do not treat illnesses or do medical testing or that have mobile testing facilities like ours. We have Arizona’s only fleet of self-contained mobile collections trucks.

Our employees have stepped up their cleaning, disinfecting, and sanitizing of our facility and equipment to ensure that your employees and our staff are as safe as possible. We also have self-contained mobile collections trucks based out of both Tucson and Phoenix that can bring the collection site to your facility.