Elevate Your Company With a Drug-Free Workplace Program
Some workplaces are required to establish drug-free workplace programs. These include federal contractors and grantees, and safety-and security-sensitive industries and functions. Even if your company isn’t required by law to establish a drug-free workplace program, doing so is certainly advantageous, both for your company and your employees. However, it’s important to establish a program that abides by all applicable federal and state regulations.
At AZC Drug Testing, we are experts in not just drug testing, but also compliance. When you work with our dedicated program managers, we’ll walk you through the development and implementation of your fully compliant drug-free workplace program from start to finish.
Our Comprehensive Drug-Free Workplace Services
In short, AZC Drug Testing is your full-service drug-free workplace program provider. We are nationally trusted for our unrivaled expertise and experience.
Our full-service approach includes the following:
Needs Assessment
Our program managers will assess your company’s unique needs to create a turnkey program tat fits the needs of your company to become a Drug Free Workplace. We will walk you through the various testing methods including urine, hair follicle, saliva, lab or instant testing and breath alcohol. We help you determine types of drugs and testing panels as well determine when testing is required to find the right fit for your business. We ensure that your drug free workplace program meets all local, state and federal guidelines.
Written Company Policy
We are well-versed with federal and state employment laws. We’ll develop a written company policy that clearly articulates your new drug-free workplace program, which will be compliant with all applicable regulations. Your new policy will include drug and alcohol testing methods, frequency, and consequences for violations.
Employee Workplace Substance Abuse Training
Employee training is a crucial component of any comprehensive drug-free workplace program. We provide thorough employee training via our convenient online program: Employee Workplace Substance Abuse Training. In order to obtain a Certificate of Completion, employees must complete this 45 minute course including chapter quizzes and a final exam.
Supervisor Training
AZC Drug Testing recommends that all supervisors be properly trained in how to identify possible signs of substance misuse. All of the necessary training your supervisors will need is included in our online Supervisor Reasonable Suspicion Training program.
Drug And Alcohol Testing
AZC Drug Testing offers pre-employment, post-accident, random, reasonable suspicion, return to duty and follow up testing. No matter where your offices and employees are located, you can have all your drug and alcohol testing needs met through AZC Drug Testing. In addition to our Arizona based collection facilities, on-site and mobile teams; employees outside of Arizona can go to any collection site that is within our extensive national affiliated network. All test specimens are sent to SAMHSA-certified laboratories. All test results are rigorously evaluated by our Medical Review Officers (MROs) and are available via our secure reporting system.
Why Should Employers Establish a Drug-Free Workplace Program?
The AZC Drug Testing team will design and manage a turnkey program that fits the needs of your company to become a Drug Free Workplace. Our Drug Free Workplace Service includes the development of a written company policy which meets all Federal and State regulations and outlines your company testing preferences and consequences. Our team assists you in understanding the pros and cons of each type of collection from urine, hair follicle, saliva, instant and breath alcohol testing. We walk you through the various types of drugs and testing panels you may wish to screen. Finally, we assist you in creating clear step-by-step consequences of a “positive” drug test result and/or policy violation.
Prevalence of Substance Misuse – The image of the drug-addled junkie unable to hold down a job is gravely misleading. In fact, millions of Americans with substance misuse issues are full-time or part-time workers. Even if you know the warning signs of substance use, it can be difficult to determine which of your employees may be misusing drugs unless you establish a drug testing program.
Safer Workplace – A drug-free workplace is a safer one, as accidents and injuries are more likely to occur when employees have untreated substance use disorders. Note that workplace safety is important for all workplaces, not just those that involve heavy machinery, as accidents can occur anywhere.
Better Productivity – Illicit substances and misused legal substances negatively affect both mind and body. Drug-free employees are more productive workers. Furthermore, drug-free employees can provide stability to the company by keeping the employee turnover rate low.
Positive Company Culture – Companies that establish a drug-free workplace program often find that their company culture improves as a result. Employees can feel proud to represent their brand and uphold the company image.
Financial Incentives – Workers’ compensation insurers understand that employees with substance use disorders are more likely to become involved in accidents. That’s why many of these insurers offer lower premiums to companies with structured drug-free workplace programs.
Clearly, a drug-free workplace program is beneficial for companies. Yet, it’s also beneficial for workers. Employees who have a substance use disorder may view their job as a positive influence in their life—something that creates stability and daily structure. Employers can use their drug-free workplace programs to help troubled employees acknowledge that they have a problem and take the necessary steps to get their life back on track.

Work Toward a Brighter Tomorrow With AZC Drug Testing
The team at AZC Drug Testing looks forward to helping you transform your company into a safer, more productive organization. We’ll ensure that your drug-free workplace program is fully compliant with federal and state regulations. Contact us today to discuss custom solutions for your brand.
AZC Drug Testing looks forward to working with you to help you protect your business by implementing a comprehensive drug testing program. Contact us today to take advantage of our expertise.